Hmm,juz now my mum suddenly called me.
I think she said she comes to fetch me later.
Haha,mana tau...she said another things.
She suddenly told me that someone told her i seem like have boyfriend..
Then i said huh?
Actually was the things that i wrote in my facebook which is so sensitive.
But i can say that they were so sensitive,haha..
Those words just so related only,but not those love2 one..haha.
But anyway,thanks for wondering..
After that,my mum advised me 'if i want to paktoh,u can..but make sure your studies might not be influence,and must all clear pass..
wow,when i heard this,i was shocked.
But totally agree what she said lah..
Because we are still student,if we think to have a relationship,we have to maintain both.
Then i answer her,okok,no problem....haha...
Just think to say,no matter what u guys see at my status,don't be so curious,because i like to write those things geh..
And i will be fine also..
Thanks for caring<3